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采用SSR标记对云南地区的8个长尖叶蔷薇天然居群进行了遗传多样性分析。结果显示:所选用的14对SSR引物,共检测到77个等位位点;在物种水平上,总居群的Nei’s基因多样性指数(He)和香农指数(I)分别为0.3139和0.4747;该居群内遗传变异(65.47%)大于居群间遗传变异(34.53%),说明居群内变异是其居群的主要变异来源;利用Popgene计算出两两居群间的Nei’s遗传一致度(I)和遗传距离(D),其范围分别为0.7879~0.8986和0.1070~0.2384,依据遗传距离可将8个居群分为3组,8个居群并没有严格依据地理距离的远近而聚类;海拔与Nei’s基因多样性的相关系数为0.8771,呈显著正相关。研究结果表明,云南地区的长尖叶蔷薇居群遗传多样性较高,居群间遗传变异存在中度的遗传分化。基于得到的居群遗传信息,建议采取就地保护为主的保护策略,但当个别居群野外的生存环境被自然或者人为因素破坏时,建议采取迁地保护的保护策略。  相似文献   
为研究重瓣玫瑰(Rosa rugosa ‘plena’)的诱导抗虫性,采用机械损伤方式诱导处理重瓣玫瑰,研究机械损伤对重瓣玫瑰叶片防御酶活性的影响。结果表明,机械损伤可诱导重瓣玫瑰叶片苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性的增加,PPO、POD活性先升高后下降,PAL活性的升高持续时间较长。T3(打孔损伤,3孔/叶)处理为最适的损伤程度,诱导的PAL、PPO、POD活性分别在第7、3、5天达到最高值。因此认为,采用适度地损伤能够诱导重瓣玫瑰较高的防御酶活性,提高植株的防御能力。  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated whether the oviposition behaviour and performance of the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on the rose cultivar Rosa chinensis Jacq. (Rosaceae) were affected when the plants were infected by rose powdery mildew, Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.: Fr.) de Bary (Erysiphales). The bioassays revealed that the moths significantly avoided ovipositing on mildew‐infected rose leaves when compared to healthy leaves. Pupal weights, emergence rates, and fecundity decreased when the caterpillars were fed mildewed rose leaves. Further laboratory bioassays aimed to elucidate the effects of two volatile headspace extracts (separately collected from healthy and mildewed rose plants) on the oviposition behaviour and performance of the moths. The moths clearly preferred to oviposit on healthy rose leaves that were not sprayed with additional volatiles rather than on healthy leaves sprayed with the volatile extracts from mildewed plants. The mean number of eggs laid on the former leaves was more than six times higher than that laid on the latter leaves. Olfactory bioassays demonstrated that ovipositing moths were significantly more attracted to volatiles emitted by healthy rose leaves than to those emitted by mildew‐infected leaves. Similar results were obtained when comparisons were made between the volatile extracts collected from healthy and mildewed rose plants. Thus, volatiles from mildew‐infected roses have a strong inhibitory effect against the moths. These results indicated that rose volatiles play a role in the oviposition behaviour of the moths, and that the volatiles induced by powdery mildew might be used for insect control.  相似文献   
金樱子多糖的抑菌和抗炎作用研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
研究了金樱子多糖的抗菌活性和抗炎作用。实验表明:金樱子多糖具有一定的抑菌活性,如对大肠杆菌、副伤寒杆菌、白葡萄球菌以及金黄色葡萄球菌等均有较强的抑制作用;能抑制二甲苯引起小鼠的耳肿胀,与NS组比较有明显差异(P<0.01),具有一定的抗炎作用。  相似文献   
目的通过CRISPR/Cas9技术获得肌肉特异性表达Cas9蛋白小鼠胚胎,为建立肌肉特异表达Cas9小鼠动物模型奠定基础。方法设计小鼠Rosa26位点sgRNA并通过体外酶切验证活性,同时使用同源重组构建肌肉特异性同源打靶载体;通过显微注射将Rosa26sgRNA与Cas9蛋白注射到小鼠胚胎,通过PCR及测序检测胚胎的编辑情况,同时移植到假孕母鼠体内,待其生产;将同源打靶载体与Rosa26sgRNA和Cas9一起注射到小鼠胚胎,通过PCR检测整合情况。结果体外酶切实验表明,体外转录的sgRNA与Cas9蛋白联合可对靶位点产生编辑作用;成功构建了肌肉特异性同源打靶载体Donor-SP-px459;通过原核注射获得Rosa26基因编辑胚胎,经移植获得Rosa26基因编辑小鼠;注射同源打靶载体后,成功获得肌肉特异表达Cas9蛋白的基因打靶小鼠胚胎。结论利用CRISPR/Cas9技术,成功获得Rosa26基因编辑胚胎和小鼠,并获得了肌肉特异性表达Cas9蛋白小鼠胚胎,为利用基因打靶构建肌肉特异表达Cas9的小鼠动物模型奠定基础。  相似文献   
为了建立金樱根中没食子酸和儿茶素含量的测定方法,分析广西不同产地金樱根及炮制品中没食子酸和儿茶素含量的变化,该文以没食子酸和儿茶素的含量作为指标成分,采用HPLC法对广西产金樱根生品、炒炙品、酒炙品、盐炙品及醋炙品进行测定,并采用SPSS 23.0软件进行方差分析和聚类分析。结果表明:广西不同产地金樱根及炮制品中没食子酸和儿茶素含量均存在差异,所有样品中儿茶素的含量均比没食子酸高,南部地区(除贵港桂平外)的没食子酸和儿茶素含量整体上比北部地区高,在炮制品中醋炙后没食子酸和儿茶素含量最高。该研究表明HPLC测定方法简单可行,金樱根中没食子酸和儿茶素含量的变化差异主要表现为产地地域及炮制方法的不同,可为今后金樱根资源的合理利用、质量标准制定以及临床用药的研究提供一定科学依据。  相似文献   
张晓龙  邓童  刘学森  郑玲娜  于超  罗乐 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6137-6149
地下水是影响西北地区植被分布、生长和群落演替的重要因子,通过人工装置模拟30 cm(D30)、40 cm(D40)、50 cm(D50)、60 cm(D60)、70 cm(D70)5个潜水梯度,从生长发育、根系形态、拓扑结构与分形维数以及表型可塑性四个方面来分析不同潜水埋深对单叶蔷薇幼苗的影响,力求揭示单叶蔷薇幼苗对不同水分环境的适应性策略,这将对今后开展单叶蔷薇植被恢复和保育工作具有重要价值。研究结果表明:(1)单叶蔷薇幼苗可通过增加扎根深度、总根长、根表面积、根体积、根尖数量、分支数量、地上干物质和根系干物质来应对不同潜水埋深带来的干旱胁迫,D50、D60、D70和CK处理下的幼苗还可以通过提高根冠比来适应更长久的干旱环境。(2)不同潜水埋深处理下,单叶蔷薇幼苗根系的拓扑指数基本保持在0.8-0.9之间,说明该根系属于典型的人字形分支模式,受环境影响较小。其中,短而细的密集细根(0-2 mm)构成了单叶蔷薇幼苗根系的主体。从资源分配的角度来看,该种拓扑结构相对简单、内部竞争较小、碳消耗少,有利于根系扩大土壤资源获取效率,从而保障植株生长发育的物质供需平衡,这是单叶蔷薇对环境胁迫的适应性策略。(3)适度的干旱,如50-70 cm的潜水埋深,可以促进单叶蔷薇幼苗扎根深度;而在较浅的潜水埋深(30-40 cm)环境中,单叶蔷薇幼苗能快速解除干旱,转向地上器官的生长发育,同时它通过降低垂直根系长度、增加分支和根尖数量来获取更多氧气和适应水分充足的新环境,到第75天时生长旺盛,在株高、总根长、根表面积、根体积、根尖数量、分支数量、地上干物质、根系干物质、根组织密度和分形维数10个指标上与CK组具有显著差异,说明单叶蔷薇幼苗对水分充足和严重干旱的极端环境均有较好的适应能力,表型可塑性强。  相似文献   
A decrease in CO2 uptake, an increase in leaf starch and sucrose content and a decrease in the content of reducing sugars were found in rose ( Rosa hybrida cvs: Sonia and Golden Times) plants exposed to lower night temperature (12°C) in comparison with those grown at 18°C. These responses were not present when plants were grown under a night temperature regime of alternating temperature, 2 h at 18°C followed by 2 h at 12°C for 3 repetitive periods of a total of 12 h. The export of labelled carbon from the source leaves and translocation into the adjacent axillary buds were inhibited by lower night temperature, but not by the alternating temperature regime. The translocation of labelled carbon toward the basal plant parts was promoted by the lower temperature but not by alternating temperature. The partitioning of labelled carbon between the 2 uppermost lateral buds was also affected by the night temperature regime.  相似文献   
盐胁迫对玫瑰生长和生理特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Yang ZY  Zhao LY  Xu ZD 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):1993-1998
以野生玫瑰和3个玫瑰栽培品种一年生扦插苗为试材,对不同浓度NaCl胁迫下玫瑰的生物量、光合作用、渗透调节物质含量、根活力和离子含量进行了研究.结果表明:盐胁迫抑制了玫瑰的生长,与地上部相比,根系对盐胁迫更加敏感;盐胁迫下,野生玫瑰的游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量显著高于栽培玫瑰;品种‘紫雁’高于‘紫枝’和‘中科二号’;盐胁迫对野生玫瑰光合性能和根活力的影响明显小于栽培玫瑰.野生玫瑰的耐盐性优于栽培玫瑰;而栽培玫瑰中‘紫雁’优于‘紫枝’和‘中科二号’.上述生理指标可作为玫瑰耐盐性评价的参考指标.  相似文献   
The effects of low temperature storage on the physiology of cut rose flowers ( Rosa hybridaL. cv. Mercedes) were studied. Extension of cold storage or increase in temperature (from 3 to 8°C) was accompanied by shortening of vase life and advancement of petal senescence, as reflected in an advance in the timing of the rise in ethylene production and an increase in membrane permeability (ion leakage). Although storage at a relative humidity (RH) of 65% reduced petal water content by 20% in comparison with flowers stored at 95% RH, it did not shorten vase life. The progression of petal senescence was measured during storage at 3°C and during aging at 22°C. Both ethylene production rates and membrane microviscosity measured by fluorescence depolarization increased with time at 3°C and at 22°C, but more slowly at 3°C. At 3°C membrane permeability measured by ion leakage did not increase. Following cold storage the rate of ethylene production in the petals was increased by up to eight times the rate in unstored flowers. Silver thiosulphate extended the vase life of both stored and fresh flowers equally by 2 days, but did not increase the life of stored flowers to that of treated fresh flowers. It is concluded that the primary effect of cold storage on roses is to slow down senescence and that the continued slow senescence leads to shorter vase life. The possible occurrence of sequential processes during senescence and the effects of temperature on these processes is discussed.  相似文献   
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